Principals Message

Front Principal Message
Towards an Excellence through Equity, Access and Quality Education.

Aspire to translate collective dream of the Community of the region in to reality. Create, disseminate and advance knowledge, through instructional and Inter disciplinary and collaborative researches. Educate and train the Human Resource persons for the devlopment of the State of Chhattisgarh. Advancement of intellectual, academic, cultural and natural resource devlopment for Socio- economic devlopment of the region. Appropriate measures to promote quality education in affiliated colleges.

To develop innovative and professional instructional programmes to cater the needs of students of the State of Chhattisgarh. To create an ambience for quality teaching-learning and skill development and its upgradation . To support students in developing competency in their respective fields of study to participate in emerging global economic opportunities. To identify the educational, social cultural & industrial needs in the State and plan to create relevent programmes.

Dr. Somali Gupta